Wednesday, March 21, 2012


In the gospel of Mark, Jesus asks a very important question to the disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” The disciples give varying answers and than Jesus asks them, “”But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say that I am?”” (Mark 8.29).

This is a very serious question, and it’s a question that is required to be answered not just from believers of Jesus, but from all people. I’ve spent the greater part of the yesterday reading different ‘holy books’, including the Torah, the Qu’ran, the Book of Mormon, etc. trying by best to cast aside my understanding of Jesus and see what religions say about Jesus (I intentionally did not say other religions, because I think loving Jesus is not a religion, it’s a relationship). Although I read many, many verses and chapters of these books in context- I won’t quote them for the sake of missing something based on my belief of the text. However, I am aware that my own beliefs will challenge my understanding of these religions and therefore, I know that my understanding of these religions will be a biased interpretation, despite my best efforts to very seriously consider these other world-views. I know I don’t have all the answers, and the answers I do have are not all right, but I’ll articulate as best as possible about what I do understand.

And I feel as though I could write for days on this subject and still not fully articulate everything- so here's to trying to keep it short

I believe that Jesus is not set apart from other prophets. I believe that Jesus is Christ himself- part of the Trinity. But for the lack of better words I believe that Jesus is set apart for several reasons; resurrection, ‘real-ness’, relationship, and promise of eternal life.

First and critical to all other points, Jesus was resurrected. This bloodshed and resurrection is not seen in any other religion of their prophet and/or deity. Jesus not only came, lived, and died, but he arose from the dead! There are MANY numerous Old Testament references/ Torah references that allude to the ‘coming’ of Christ to Earth to be the bloodshed for humanity.

Jesus was real. Other religions prophets’ do not claim to be Lord. Jesus not only claims to be part of the Trinity but points to us toward God at the same time. Remember when God revealed himself to Moses simply as “I am”? Well Jesus refers to himself as “I am” several times. A few examples: “I am the gate... I am the good shepherd” (John 10.9 &11) “I am the true vine” (John 15.1) And probably the most ‘famous’ verse, “I am the way the truth and the life.” (John 14.6).

Next, Jesus is the avenue for us to have a relationship with God. Jesus gives us the free gift of grace. In other religions, grace is not an afforded gift and the avenue to get to Christ is through earning favor, usually by works. Jesus made it possible for faith alone to bring the salvation and promise of God to ALL people.

Finally, through Jesus there is the promise of eternal life. Jesus desires a deep intimate relationship with him and died for the sake of our sin, so that we can experience this relationship with Jesus and God. The choice of believing in Christ holds the promise of eternal life with God and Jesus in heaven. 

So what does this mean for me in China?? I don't think I can unpack the magnitude of this question Jesus asks in a simple blog post or in a 3 month journey. But I do know that God has comforted my heart in new ways. And I know this journey has challenged me to take a more intentional step to look into who I think Jesus is, who others think he is, and most importantly who he really is. It's struck a deep chord of gratitude for the gift of grace that Jesus offers. And I think it's given me a simple, but powerful answer for now....

I say Jesus is....

My savior who has given me the free gift of grace and relationship with him.

And that's a lot to be thankful for. Who do you say Jesus is?

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