thank goodness that the staple food is rice. on sunday i started feeling nauseous. that was followed by a full night of up-chuck and lots of other icky sick things i'm sure you don't want to hear about. monday i didn't eat much and i still felt pretty ill. after being encouraged by our nursing facilitators and refusing the need to go to the ER, i slept a lot and ate very little. all that to say i'm glad there has been rice to serve as the little nourishment for my little sick self.
so needless to say- the last two days in my new rotation have not been the greatest because of my struggle to focus on what's going on rather than my stomach noises and complaints. i'm rotating into day surgery now. as i previously mentioned this is the unit i work in as a patient care associate (pca) at home. but it's different here. primarily because this is one of the first day surgery units in all of china- and the first in this province. so there is a lot of developmental administrative work to be done to develop the unit. ironically, despite the fact that i am merely a student- i feel equipped to
help to some extent. during my orientation- i was aware of everything happening despite the language barrier. miraculously i felt as though i could understand what they were saying- even though i really couldn't.
i'm still going to be doing a lot of research and asking for some help because i know that i am not equipped to assist on my own :)
and i wanted to share some pictures they took of us during my rotation in the heart center.
in the cath lab |
lesly and i |
learning about stents |
such amazing teachers! |
in the ICU |
surgical ICU |
one of the funniest doctors explaining the mechanisms of the machine |
dr. "antony" explain pacemaker evaluation |
"any questions?" |
ecg monitoring |
peripartum cardiomyopathy |
our twin doctor pals :) |
that's all for now.
prayer requests:
-HEALTH!! no more vomiting, i really don't want to have to go to the doctor :(
-productivity. i'm already on a roll today. here's to keeping it up.
any prayer requests from you?
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